Montagne Noire cottage

Chuch at Labastide

Another attractive corner

A waymark

A woodland walk

Here's a novel way to store your wood.


Well stocked for winter

A fig tree

Sweet chestnuts

La Muse, the writers' and artists' retreat

You certainly know when you've arrived

A pretty corner in Labastide


A group of friends enjoy a chat

Rainbow valley

For sale - nuts

The Mairie in Labastide Esparbairenque

Labastide Esparbairenque in the snow

The village in Mid November

Pale Blue Shutter

House on Rue Haute

Cottage on Rue Haute
Labastide Esparbaïrenque
An ancient perched village sheltered in the valley of the Orbiel. Labastide is fairly high in La Montage Noire, and is on the road which leads, a further 10km or so, to the Pic du Nore, highest point in the range, and for some distance all around, at 1209m. About 40 people live at Labastide. It has its own Mairie - which also covers surrounding hameaus - and there are regular events at its foyer. In the centre of the village, a big old maison du maitre is home to La Muse Inn, a retreat for writers and artists who come from far and wide.